ࡱ> VXUa Ubjbj[[ =>9bE\9bE\; 8Lhd3jJ3L3L3L3L3L3L3$568lp3p3H3:::RJ3:J3::r12`֠fj*263303B2W9jW9022W928:p3p3:3W9 > : PROPOSAL FORM FOR WID DESIGNATION Date Submitted to WID Committee: College: Department: Department Chairperson: A. WID DESIGNATION FOR EXISTING COURSE: Course Number(s) and Title(s): Required Signatures: Department: ____________________________________________ Dean: _________________________________________________Date: _______________ Date: _______________WID Committee: ________________________________________Date: _______________Faculty Senate: __________________________________________Date: _______________Provost: _______________________________________________Date: _______________ B. WID DESIGNATION FOR NEW OR REVISED COURSE: Course Number(s) and Title(s): Required Signatures: Department: ____________________________________________ Dean: _________________________________________________Date: _______________ Date: _______________WID Committee: ________________________________________Date: _______________CCPI: _________________________________________________Date: _______________Faculty Senate: __________________________________________Date: _______________Provost: _______________________________________________Date: _______________ EXPECTATIONS FOR WID COURSES: A Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course teaches students about the expectations for writing within a discipline. Assignments in WID courses are explicitly modeled on disciplinary writing and deal directly with issues common in the field. Limited enrollment, writing experiences throughout the semester, and instructional support provide the environment needed for learning disciplinary forms and their connection to values and disciplinary ways of thinking. To accomplish these goals, a WID course must: Provide opportunities to learn the expectations and practice the methods of inquiry valued by members of disciplines. Provide instruction in disciplinary expectations, including knowledge about subject matter, writing processes, rhetoric (conventions for making arguments in a discipline: what makes sound evidence and credible writers), genre (common forms and associated ways of using them in disciplinary situations), discourse community (typical ways of demonstrating disciplinary membership, such as shared goals, language, and communication structures), and associated ethical issues. Include assignments modeled on the writing processes and forms of writing commonly used by members of the discipline. Use writing-to-learn strategies (short, usually informal assignments completed in the explicit context of the course) to support the inception and completion of disciplinary forms, not to replace engagement with professional genres. Help students view writing as integral to the discipline, and learn how disciplinary expectations for writing reflect the values and the ways of thinking important to members of the discipline. Have small class sizes, ideally 20 but no more than 25 students. Include opportunities for oral and written feedback from the instructor and, if appropriate, peers. Distribute assignments throughout the semester, to support the difficult process of enculturation into a discipline through intense, sustained interaction with writing throughout the semester. Support students with required texts which outline the expectations for the types of writing being assigned, and/or provide exemplars of the forms being taught. WID PROPOSAL GUIDELINES: Your Proposal for WID Designation should respond thoughtfully to the following questions. Submitters are encouraged to review the WID Guidelines, which can be found on the WID webpage under Guidelines and Best Practices. Attach a copy of the syllabus and, if the syllabus does not include specific descriptions of writing assignments, one formal writing assignment to the proposal. Upon approval of the course for WID designation, course syllabi should contain the official WID statement, which can be found on the WID webpage under Guidelines and Best Practices. A representative who can speak to the specifics of the course needs to be present when the proposal and supporting material is reviewed by the WID committee. I. Curriculum: Departments are encouraged to think deeply about how they position WID within their curriculum. Earlier exposure to disciplinary writing and multiple chances to practice these forms may be more advantageous than one course at the end of students academic careers. At what academic level are you positioning your WID course(s)? How does positioning your WID course(s) within your curricula in this way meet the expectations for a WID course? II. Objectives for the WID Course(s): At the end of the course(s), what should students be able to do? How do these goals align with the expectations for a WID course? III. Structure of the WID Course(s): Explain how you have structured your course(s) to teach disciplinary writing. Issues to consider might include the following: discussion of explicit writing instruction methods used, the portion or percentage of in-class time devoted to writing instruction, who teaches writing (the course instructor or teaching assistants). How do this structure align with the expectations for a WID course? IV. Additional Considerations: The WID committee recognizes that there are different kinds of disciplines, some compact with readily identifiable types of writing students will be expected to do, such as police reports, legal briefs, and lab reports, and others more diffuse with forms of writing less easily identifiable. Articulate any exceptions to the expectations for WID courses you would like the WID committee to consider as they review your proposal.     !#IJST`axz N d z { |   & l m n  G ] s t u   d e n ֩ hhp>#hp>B*CJOJPJQJaJph/h&vhp>5B*CJOJPJQJ\aJph)h&vhp>B*CJOJPJQJaJph h&vhp>CJOJPJQJaJ/h&vhp>5B*CJOJPJQJ\aJph2 O e { | `kd$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lap $Ifgdp>$If$d   {ss$Ifkd$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lap  V l {ss$IfkdD$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lapl m n  H ^ t {ttllll$Ifdkd$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lapt u {ss$Ifkd$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lap  {og$If $Ifkd*$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lap  N d {ss$Ifkd$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lapd e {ss$Ifkdn$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lap P/{ttmccYYYY ! & Fgdp> ! & Fgdp>!gdp>dkd$$Ifl0]$ t0644 lap OP./+,MNWXpqvŰk/h&vhp>6B*CJOJPJQJ]aJph)h&vhp>B*CJOJPJQJaJph/h&vhp>5B*CJOJPJQJ\aJph)hp>5B*CJOJPJQJ\aJphhp>hp>>*B*OJQJ^Jphhp>B*OJQJ^Jph/h&vhp>5B*CJOJPJQJ\aJph',NWqHWb9z & Fd9D[$\$gdp> d9D[$\$ & Fd9D[$\$gdp>hd9D[$\$^hgdp>d ! & Fgdp> ! & Fgdp>QHKU +7yz-%&'<ko7:;<>?ABDEGIJSTUĭĭĭ؛ĭ؁}}}}yry} hGhp>hp>hRjhRU#h+B*CJOJPJQJaJph#h][B*CJOJPJQJaJph,h&vhp>>*B*CJOJPJQJaJph&hp>>*B*CJOJPJQJaJph)h&vhp>B*CJOJPJQJaJph#hp>B*CJOJPJQJaJph*'k89:;=>@ACDFGHIJKgdp> dgdp>d9D[$\$^gdp> d9D[$\$gdp> & F d9D[$\$gdp> d9D[$\$ & Fd9D[$\$gdp>KLMNOPQRSTUd9D[$\$^gdp> ;00p1h:pp>/ =!"#$% $$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p$$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p$$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p$$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p$$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p$$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p$$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p$$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p$$If!vh#v#v :V l t0655 / p "s666666666vvvvvvvvv66666686666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH N`N GNormald*$CJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List .. fN0 Header Char.. fN0 Footer CharJ"J BNjHeading $xCJOJQJ^JaJ8"8 BNj Text Body d (/!2( BNjList^JH"BH BNjCaption  $xx6CJ]^JaJ.R. 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