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NEW COURSE OR CHANGE IN CONTENT/DESCRIPTION: Course Number(s) and Title(s): FORMTEXT       Semester Hours:  FORMTEXT       Please attach a prospective/draft syllabus, catalogue description and a statement specifying precisely how each course submitted for WID approval will meet the standards for BGS Online Writing Designation listed on page 2 of this form. APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR NEW COURSE(S) OR CHANGE IN CONTENT: (Signatures Required) Department: Date: Dean: Date: CCPI: Date: WID Comm.: Date: Faculty Senate: Date: Provost: Date: APPROVED STANDARDS FOR ALL BGS ONLINE WRITING COURSES (Please respond specifically to items 1 through 9.) The online course(s) should be at the 300 or 400 level.  FORMTEXT       Opportunities for writing development may include formal and informal papers, journals, learning logs, writing based on research, writing for professional or general audiences, or writing submitted via the distance learning platforms or by email.  FORMTEXT       A possible standard for writing in the designated course(s), in keeping with approved WID standards, might be twenty pages (5000 words), which could include revisions of previously submitted work.  FORMTEXT       The course(s) must include some form of instructional support for writing. This can include but is not limited to: a writing textbook, distance learning-based instructional activities, group work on writing, and email or chat conferences with course instructor.  FORMTEXT       There should be opportunities for revision of written work after a reader has responded to a draft. Opportunity for peer response is encouraged.  FORMTEXT       Writing assignments should be used throughout the semester, rather than concentrated aDFZ\^hj  0 ѼѤѼqcѼKѼ/jh/|hEJ CJOJPJQJUaJhQ3CJOJPJQJaJ/jth/|hEJ CJOJPJQJUaJ4jh/|hEJ CJOJPJQJUaJmHnHu/jh/|hEJ CJOJPJQJUaJ)jh/|hEJ CJOJPJQJUaJ h/|hEJ CJOJPJQJaJhEJ OJPJQJ&jhEJ OJPJQJUmHnHulnB D r   - . 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FORMTEXT       Assessment of writing development should be a significant component of students final grades for BGS Online Writing courses.  FORMTEXT       In keeping with WID enrollment caps, online courses designated as BGS Online Writing courses should have a student-to-teacher ratio that does not exceed 25:1.  FORMTEXT       All syllabi should include the following statement: This course has been designated to meet the Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) graduation requirement for BGS majors. Online BGS writing courses provide instruction in the processes and formats for the writing content and style needed to be an effective professional in a student s chosen field. FROM AMONG THE FOLLOWING LIST OF APPROVED OPTIONS, PLEASE PLACE A CHECKMARK BESIDE THE OPTION(S) REPRESENTED BY THE COURSE(S) SUBMITTED FOR BGS ONLINE WRITING DESIGNATION APPROVAL.  FORMCHECKBOX  a. an existing online course which already includes writing instruction;  FORMCHECKBOX  b. an existing online course to which a writing instruction component has been added; or  FORMCHECKBOX  c. a new online course. PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW THE OPTION YOUR DEPARTMENT HAS SELECTED WILL ENABLE BGS STUDENTS TO MEET THE WID GRADUATION REQUIREMENT.  FORMTEXT       Submit 11 copies of this form to the Faculty Senate Office, Stipes 323 for appropriate routing.      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