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Curricular Requests from the School of Music a. Requests for New Courses i. MUS 264, Keyboard Skills for Popular Music, 1 s.h. ii. MUS 268, Singing in Popular Styles, 1 s.h. iii. MUS 354, Music Therapy Clinical Skills III, 1 s.h. b. Request for Change of Option i. Music Therapy 4. Curricular Requests from the Department of Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Decision Sciences a. Request for New Course i. ECON 489, Behavioral Economics, 3 s.h. IV. Old Business V. New Business A. For the Good of the Body NEXT MEETING DECEMBER 6, 2022 VIA ZOOM     3ABbcdlmnx{}~º⦢펇xpiiea]hC"hdXhXF@ h92hh92h>*h92hr7>* h92hr7 h92h!xhr75>*CJ\aJh0phMh 2h[h0p56]ho r56]hSx56]hz56] hr76]h @hr756] hr70J hr75\hr7hr7CJaJhr75CJ\aJ"Bcd~  # $  gd>%T ^gdXF@ & F) gdz |^`|gd |^`|$a$      " # $ ( ) = I J K }        S T m n ⛛h'^h h92h+4hj h92hW h92h4 h92h8(h~>hAhr7hh>%ThE hW)/h`hXF@h92hr7>* h92hr7 h92hNOhe|=$ J    T m n   V gdXF@ gd0- gd> p0^p`0gdXF@ ^gd~> ^gd & F) gd   V W p y z 6 e i > ? 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