ࡱ> z}yO .bjbj 4>{se{se " " ggggg{{{8L\{~^[(^r$$܍#g^^#gg8RRRggRRRaxq@AR{`N0~I|(& &qq&gR##~&" -: WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Regular Meeting of the FACULTY SENATE http://www.wiu.edu/FacultySenate Tuesday, 30 August 2022 4:00 p.m. Union Capitol Rooms/Zoom A G E N D A I. Consideration of Minutes A. May 3, 2022 II. Announcements Approvals from the President and Provost Provost's Report 1. Remote Work Policy ( HYPERLINK "http://wiu.edu/policies/remote.php" http://wiu.edu/policies/remote.php) 2. Covid Policy ( HYPERLINK "http://wiu.edu/provost/policies.php" http://wiu.edu/provost/policies.php -- top of All University Policies manual) Student Government Association Report (Joseph Zaylik, Vice President for External Affairs) Other Announcements 1. Greg Kain, Chief Information Officer, University Technology 2. Christopher Merrett, Dean, Innovation and Economic Development/Director, Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs 3. Roberta Smith, Director, Financial Aid III. Reports of Committees and Councils A. Budget Transparency Committee (TBD, Chair, 2022-2023) 1. Annual Report (Bill Thompson, Chair, 2021-2022) B. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards (Julie Cox, Chair, 2022-2023) 1. Annual Report (Jason Covert, Chair, 2021-2022) 2. Request for GPA Gateway a. School of Education, Elementary Education, Elementary Option, Middle Level Program, Special Education Program C. Council on Campus Planning and Usage (TBD, 2022-2023) 1. Annual Report (Redina Finch, Chair, 2021-2022) D. Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Paige Goodwin, Chair, 2022-2023) 1. Annual Report (Steve Bennett, Chair, 2021-2022) E. Council on General Education (Barry Birnbaum, Chair, 2022-2023) 1. Annual Report (Robert Kelly, Chair, 2021-2022) F. Council for Instructional Technology (Debra Allwardt, Chair, 2022-2023) Annual Report (George Mangalaraj, Chair, 2021-2022) G. Council on Intercollegiate Athletics (TBD, Chair, 2022-2023) 1. Annual Report (Brian Stone, Chair, 2021-2022) H. Council for International Education (TBD, Chair, 2022-2023) 1. Annual Report (Sean Cordes, Chair, 2021-2022) I. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) Committee (Kaycee Peterman, Chair, 2022-2023) Annual Report (Doug LaFountain, Chair, 2021-2022) J. Senate Nominating Committee (Dave Hunter, Chair, 2022-2023) 1. Annual Report (Josh Wroblewski, Chair, 2021-2022) 2. Nominations to Fill Vacancies IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Election of COEHS Senator to College of Education and Human Services Dean Search Committee B. Election of Senators to Serve on Budget Transparency Committee (two senators, one each from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education and Human Services, plus an Executive Committee member, to serve two-year terms) C. Election of Senators to the Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance (five senators from any college, to include one Executive Committee member, to serve one-year terms) D. Election of Senators to Serve on Provosts Advisory Council (two senators to serve two-year terms) E. Election of Senator to Student Learning Assessment Committee (one senator to serve a one-year term; senator sh ould have assessment experience or be interested in learning more about assessment) F. 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