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Work Department Number Occasionally, an employee may be budgeted from one department number, but actually work in another department. For example, an employee who is paid from a grant or local account may have a work department that more clearly defines the department for which s/he is working. This is a six digit number. What type of position do you want to fill? Administrator: An administrator has an approved title corresponding to the position requested (see Administrative Title instructions below). Teaching Faculty: In general, anyone who carries academic rank (Instructor through Professor), who is not in an administrative capacity. In addition to teaching faculty, there are some positions in the Library classified as faculty. Use this category for research faculty positions in academic departments. Non-Instructional: Employees in this category are generally coaches and faculty assistants. Position Number This number is a four or five character field, beginning with an alphabetic prefix of A, B, or F, followed by three numeric fields, followed occasionally with an alphabetic suffix in the fifth place. For example, A001 or F001L. The first character defines whether it is an administrative position or faculty position. For administrators, use A or B as the position number prefix (A for all administrators with an administrative title, except for department chairs, which require the B prefix). For faculty or non-instructional employees, use the position number prefix of F. The numbers in this field are either those from the previously existing position, or assigned by the Budget Office for new positions. Occasionally, a suffix will be added to the Position Number, such as an L for an employee placed in a position to cover for someone on a leave. The continuing employee on the leave status retains the original position without the suffix, and the employee covering those duties actively during the period of time will be in the same position number, but will have an L suffixed to the position number. Campus Code For employees working at the Macomb campus, use 120. For employees working at ϲʷ¼QC, use 121. Administrative Title Illinois Law mandates that all employees of the State of Illinois are civil service unless otherwise exempted. An administrator, as defined here, is someone who has been exempted from a civil service classification All administrators, therefore, have a unique title approved and registered with the State Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS), making the position exempt from civil service. Request a Principal Administrative Position Exemption form from the Human Resources Office in order to create a new title, or update/change an existing title. Rank If the type of position is Faculty, it will require one of the following ranks. If the type of position selected is Administrative, the position may or may not require academic rank. Lecturer (6139) Instructor (6135) Assistant Professor (6134) Associate Professor (6133) Professor (6132) If the type of position selected is Non-Instructional, the remaining categories are either Faculty Assistant (6137) or Coaches (6136). FORMER EMPLOYEE STATUS SECTION Rehire, Replacement for Existing position, or New position? Rehire: When a temporary (aka, adjunct) employee is being rehired to fill the same position as was filled in the previous fiscal year, new funds must be requested. Providing there is little alteration in the duties performed, the employee may be classified as a rehire even though the percent of appointment and/or term may vary from the previous fiscal year. Replacement for Existing: A position is existing if it has been vacated within the current or previous fiscal year. New: A position is new if it has never existed, or has not existed in the current or previous fiscal year. The VP, Dean, or Budget Office can help with defining the category of this position. If Replacement for Existing, who are they replacing? Use the name of the person who was in the position during the current or previous fiscal year. Existing position implies that a vacancy has occurred recently. Do not insert the name of someone who previously held this position two or more years ago. III. POSITION CHARACTERICSTICS SECTION Is the position Continuous or Temporary? Continuous employees will be required to have funding requested for the first fiscal year of their employment. Thereafter, employment will be automatically renewed in future fiscal years unless otherwise terminated. Temporary employees will serve only within the fiscal year and time parameters on this request. What is the percent of appointment? Percent of appointment is determined based upon either the amount of effort expected during the employment period, or the teaching load. Keep in mind that the employee will not be an hourly employee. These are salaried positions, and therefore, employment should be gauged upon the effort or teaching load required of a 100% employee. If less than 100%, decimal points representing a fraction should be carried out up to six places. If you wish to pay upon an hourly basis, you should seek to employ the individual through the Civil Service system. FROM/TO/NUMBER OF MONTHS: The employee will begin on mm/dd/ccyy through mm/dd/ccyy for XXX months (TERM1). Insert in the first date field (mm/dd/ccyy) when the employee is expected to begin within this fiscal year. Insert in the second date field (mm/dd/ccyy) the date within this fiscal year that employment is expected to end for the duties of this position. Insert in the Number of Months field the number of months which will be worked within this fiscal year. Include partial months as a decimal portion of a month. If less than a full month, decimal points representing a fraction of a month should be carried out up to five decimal places. For example, a continuous administrator in a 12 month position begins employment on February 6. The employee will begin on 2/6/20yy though 6/30/20yy for 4.85 months. Similarly, a faculty employee in a 9 month position beginning employment on the first day of the spring semester will read: 1/16/20yy through 5/13/20yy for 4.5 months. This is a XXX month position on a budget fiscal year (FY) basis. (TERM2). This field is for continuous positions only. Assuming that the request for this fiscal year does not begin 7/1/ccyy, how many months would the person work within a complete budget year, or complete fiscal year, in a continuous position in the next fiscal year? In the example above, the administrator beginning 2/6/20yy is in a 12 month position, but only working for 4.85 months for the first period of employment within this fiscal year. The second fiscal year, the dates will be 7/1/20yy through 6/30/20yy, or 12 months. This information is critical in planning for the next fiscal year budget, so that the position will be funded for the correct number of months. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) monthly salary $XX,XXX.XX. The FTE monthly salary amount should be in WHOLE DOLLARS (no pennies) for salaried employees. This is the amount of money that an employee would be making IF the employee were at 100%. For example, if an employee in a particular position at 100% is paid $3,000.00, the FTE monthly salary is $3,000.00. If that employee takes a leave, and is replaced by three temporary employees, each employee is 1/3 (or 33.3333%). The replacement employees may have an FTE monthly that remains at $3,000.00. The FTE means the full-time equivalent, not the amount that is paid. Calculate the amount paid based upon the FTE monthly completed in this field. Total SALARY requested: Their current year salary will be (FTE * % * TERM1) = $XXX,XXX.XX. Total SALARY requested calculation is the result of multiplying the following fields: Full time equivalent monthly (FTE) salary Percent of appointment TERM1, or the number of months worked within this first, or current, fiscal year. For continuous positions, ANNUAL SALARY on a budget fiscal year (FY) salary will be (FTE * % * TERM2) = $XXX,XXX.XX. ANNUAL SALARY calculation is the result of multiplying the following fields: Full time equivalent monthly (FTE) salary Percent of appointment TERM2, or the number of months the position will be in a full, or budget, fiscal year IV. FUND SOURCE SECTION Funding for this position is provided in the existing budget as follows: This is generally selected when replacing a vacancy created in a continuous position. Funding for this position will be reallocated from: This is generally selected when funds have not been established in a continuous position from the previous fiscal year. New funds are requested for this position This is a request posed to the Vice President/President to initiate funding for a new position, or funds requested due to a change in fund source for an existing position. V. SEARCH PROCESS REQUEST AND AUTHORIZATION SECTION Rehire: The employee was hired the previous semester/fiscal year, and is fulfilling duties that are the same or similar to the previous employment period. External Search: Paperwork is required to be on file in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access before advertising may be posted and the search process initiated. Internal Search: Paperwork is required to be on file in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access before advertising may be posted and the search process initiated. Waiver of Search: Paperwork is required to be on file in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access before a Waiver of Search is approved.  VI. SIGNATURE SECTION Hiring Administrator/Date The name of the person requesting authorization to fill this position , usually a department chair or director of a non-academic unit. The date the form is signed and forwarded for approval. Dean or Director The name of the Hiring Administrators supervisor. The date approved/denied. Equal Opportunity and Access Office The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access will approve the Request to Fill form when conditions have sufficed for the type of search process requested. For example, before approval is given for an external search process, the department must provide an advertisement to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access and be in compliance with any other search procedures. For an internal search process, an advertisement and supporting documentation must be provided prior to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access approving the search. For waivers of search, supporting documentation includes the resume, job description, transcripts, and justification from the hiring official prior to approval. Budget Office Insufficient funds in a reserve may require additional communication to the Budget Office prior to the Budget Office verifying the funding for the position. Vice President Unless a waiver of search is requested, the Vice President will ultimately approve the Request to Fill. If not approved at this level, the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action search process will desist, and the Budget Office will return funds to the original fund source. Provost/President For a waiver of search, the Provost or President must approve. After all approval signatures are obtained, a copy of the approved Request to Fill is sent to the Hiring Administrator.     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