ࡱ> WYVg /bjbj Yr\r\'x x tddddl<d|+     ccc*******$2-/x!+c|ccc!+  6+c.  *c*r(Tg) `?K)*L+0|+Y)`0`0g)g)0`0)Pccccccc!+!+ccc|+cccc`0cccccccccx > : Master Schedule File Add (MSFA) Instructions Updated 01/31/2019 This screen allows the user to request the addition of a class or update an existing add request of the Master Schedule File. This screen works for all course types except Study Abroad, Travel Study, and Sponsored Credit. This screen is available on ϲʷ¼P online and MVS. Requests submitted on this screen are processed in the Office of the Registrar on the next business day.  Complete the top line of information in order for the rest of the screen to become available. Term, Year, Department, Course and Section should be filled in as follows: TERM: Enter one of the following abbreviations (on MVS) or select the Term from the drop down menu (on ϲʷ¼P online). SP=Spring SU=Summer FL=Fall YEAR: Enter the last two digits of the year (on MVS) DEPARTMENT ABBREVIATION: Enter the Department Abbreviation or sub-department code (on MVS) or select the department from the drop down menu (on ϲʷ¼P online). COURSE NUMBER: Enter the course number and the suffix (if applicable) here. Only N and G suffixes can be entered with the course number. Y and H suffixes should be noted in the Course Type/Comment field. COURSE SECTION: This should include a letter (if needed) and the next consecutive section number, unless the course has multiple titles. Check the next consecutive section number by referring to Course Search or the DEPT screen. If the course has multiple titles, enter the section number that corresponds to the title being offered. Section number definitions: Macomb Campus 001-199 Macomb on-campus 200-299 Video conference or CODEC (sending) 300-399 Video conference or CODEC (receiving) L01-L99 Live streaming Macomb on-campus W01-W99 Weekend Macomb on-campus Quad Cities Campus Q01-Q89 QC on-campus Q90-Q99 Video Conference or CODEC (sending) LQ1-LQ9 Live Streaming QC on-campus TQ1-TQ9 Video Conference or CODEC (receiving) WQ1-WQ9 Weekend QC on-campus Online H H01-H99 Hybrid, primarily online course with some face to face meetings I01-I99 Online IC1-IC9 Online, restricted to BGS majors during advance registration Extension (Other Sites) E01-E89 Courses taught at sites other than the Macomb or QC campuses E90-E99 Video Conference or CODEC (sending) LE1-LE9 Live Streaming taught at sites other than the Macomb or QC campuses T01-T99 Video Conference or CODEC (receiving) After filling in the top line, press Enter. This will submit the course and retrieve the title and credit hours from the catalog. If there is an error in the information entered, an error message will appear. If the following message appears: This class was not found in the Catalog for this term then it is not possible to add a class because it has not yet been added to the catalog. Contact the Office of the Registrar if you are unable to add a course that was recently approved.  When all the information has been entered correctly, the rest of the screen will become active and the Title, Credit Hours, Concurrent Enrollment and Restriction fields will fill in automatically from the catalog file. SESSION: Enter one of the following session codes. If the class meets for the full term for Fall or Spring, no code is needed. All summer courses must have a session code. All irregular courses (any course that does not meet all weeks of an established semester or session) should be marked with IRR. blank = Regular Term IRR = Irregular 3S = Summer Pre-Session 4S = Summer First 4-Week 5S = Summer Second 4-Week 6S = Summer 6-week 8S = Summer 8-Week TITLE: This field will be completed automatically with information from the catalog. If the course is a multiple-title course, the title is determined by the section number entered. This field cannot be changed. CREDIT HOURS: This field will be completed automatically with information from the catalog. If the course has a set number of credit hours, this field cannot be adjusted. If the course is a variable credit course, this field will be filled in with a range such as 1-3. A variable credit hour course can be offered for a range of credit hours, or for a set number of credit hours. However, it cannot be offered for more credit hours than are listed in the catalog. To change variable credit hours, type the number of hours on the corresponding line. Changes that contradict the catalog will not be made. MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT: Enter the maximum enrollment for the class. The maximum enrollment for First Year Experience courses should be 15. CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT: This field will be blank unless there is a corequisite (course that must be taken at the same time as the course listed) in the catalog, in which case it will be filled in automatically with information from the catalog. If the course you are listing has a corequisite, enter the corequisite in this field. Enter the department abbreviation in the first field. Enter the course number in the second field. If there is a specific section that must be taken at the same time, enter the section number in the third field. Do not use this field for prerequisites (courses that must be taken before this course). RESTRICTION: The Restriction field may be filled in automatically based on what is in the catalog. Up to five restrictions may be specified per course and can include restrictions on major, minor, program and sport. When adding restrictions, enter a description of who the course is restricted to. If there is more than one type of restriction, add an AND or OR between each. Example: "Restricted to Pre- LEJA Majors OR Fire Science Minors". TIME: For spring and fall semesters, please use the appropriate begin and end time designations below. If the course is arranged, enter ARR. Intended for 3-hr course three times a week (MWF): Intended for 3-hr course twice a week (TTh): 8:00-8:50 11:00-11:50 2:00-2:50 8:00-9:15 12:30-1:45 9:00-9:50 12:00-12:50 3:00-3:50 9:30-10:45 2:00-3:15 10:00-10:50 1:00-1:50 4:00-4:50 11:00-12:15 3:30-4:45 Meeting Two Evenings Per Week: Meeting One Evening Per Week: 2 sem. hrs. class meets 6:30-7:20 1 sem. hr. class meets 6:30-7:20 3 sem. hrs. class meets 6:30-7:45 2 sem. hr. class meets 6:30-8:10 4 sem. hrs. class meets 6:30-8:10 3 sem. hr. class meets 6:30-9:00 4 sem. hr. class meets 6:30-9:50 Evening classes with labs should meet longer: 2 hour lab = 1 hour lecture For summer term begin and end time designations: please refer to the Summer School Scheduling document at www.wiu.edu/registrar/coursesched.php DAYS: For most courses, you can enter the abbreviation for the days, such as: MWF = Monday, Wednesday, Friday TTH = Tuesday, Thursday SS or SASU = Saturday, Sunday For courses that meet on Tuesday or Thursday only, please enter the entire word or the abbreviations TUES or THURS. If the course is arranged, enter ARR LOCATION: If the class is meeting on the Macomb campus in a classroom, enter the building and room number. If the class is arranged, enter ARR. If the class is online, enter ONLINE. Note: if you are adding an online course that is offered for Bachelor of Arts in General Studies (BGS) students during advanced registration, you must also add a restriction or comment that states this. Please verify room availability with the appropriate office before scheduling the class. For assistance finding an available room, call the Office of the Registrar at 298-3115. INSTRUCTOR ϲʷ¼ ID: Enter the Instructor ϲʷ¼ ID number or enter 000-00-0000 for STAFF. To look up instructor ϲʷ¼ ID numbers on the PMID screen, click the PMID button (on ϲʷ¼P online) or press F4 (on MVS). Note: For graduate level courses (400G, 500 or higher), the instructor must be approved by the School of Graduate Studies. Contact the School of Graduate Studies for more information at 309/298-1806. FOOTNOTE 1 & 2: You can add two brief footnotes to each course. Do not include prerequisite information in a footnote as that information will appear on Course Search in the catalog description section. If the course requires special permission, add a footnote that tells students who to contact to get permission. If the course meets irregularly, list the meeting dates. COURSE TYPE/COMMENT: The last field on this page is for indicating the course type as well as any additional information the Office of the Registrar may need to list your course correctly. For the course type, please use one of the following: (blank) - regular face-to-face meetings ONLINE - not restricted to BGS students during advance registration ONLINE-BGS - restricted to BGS students during advance registration Press Enter to submit changes when all the fields have been completed. You may add additional meeting times or instructors by pressing Enter again. Please note that using page 2 is not required.  Page 2: Additional Meeting Times MEETING TYPE: Enter the meeting type for the 2nd meeting time: Also Meets Lab Quiz Discussion Discussion & Quiz For all other fields on this page, use the corresponding directions above. Several additional meeting times can be added. To add a third meeting time, press Enter after completing the second additional meeting time. Repeat as needed.  Courses submitted on the MSFA screen can be updated on the same day. Course changes submitted on this screen are processed in the Office of the Registrar on the next business day. Questions? Contact the Registrars Office at 298-3115. -?@A! P T V ] h @ A    ʷzzozdXկʯh;]Lh1>*CJaJh;]LhrCJaJh;]LhCJaJh;]LhCJaJ"jhD4CJUaJmHnHuhD4CJaJh!f:CJaJhT&CJaJhH# CJaJh;hH# CJaJh-:pCJaJh;]Lh1CJaJh;]LhY%CJaJhD4h_CJaJhT&CJaJhH# hH# 5CJaJ"-@AT U  " # ) X Y r $a$gd!f:gd1gdH# $a$gd_$a$gd1  # ( 3 J N W Y p / ? 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