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End of Process Faculty reviews records based on material in students letter & responds within 5 working days Faculty changes grade. End of Process Faculty denies request to change grade. Notifies student of decision in writing within 5 working days Student files a written request for a formal grade appeal hearing with Department chair. Must be filed by end of fourth week. Faculty does not change grade or students appeal not supported Student files Formal Grade Appeal Form by the end of fourth week of class Faculty does not change grade or students appeal not supported Grade Appeal Committee sets hearing date within 5 working days & notifies all parties at least 5 working days prior to hearing Grade Appeal Chair will notify parties of results of the hearing within 5 working days Faculty changes grade. End of Process Students appeal is upheld Faculty notifies in writing Chair of Grade Appeal Committee whether grade will be changed within 5 working days. Students appeal is denied Subcommittee reviews case & brings recommendation to full body Student must appeal to University level within 10 working days CAGAS/Graduate Council decides case & Chair notifies parties in writing of decision CAGAS/Graduate Council decides in favor of student. Council changes grade. End of Process CAGAS/Graduate Council decides in favor of faculty. Grade stands. End of Process Chair of Grade Appeal Committee notifies all parties in writing as to Faculty members decision Faculty appeals to University level within 10 working days Faculty does not change grade Faculty does not appeal to University level Student may appeal to University level within 10 working days Faculty does not change grade Student must request appeal to College level within 10 working days Student may appeal to College level within 10 working days Faculty does not appeal to College level Faculty appeals to College level within 10 working days Students appeal is denied Chair of Grade Appeal Committee notifies all parties in writing as to Faculty members decision Faculty changes grade. End of Process Faculty notifies in writing Chair of Grade Appeal Committee whether grade will be changed within 5 working days. Students appeal is upheld Grade Appeal Chair will notify parties of result of hearing within 5 working days Grade Appeal Committee sets hearing date within 10 working days and notifies all parties at least 5 working days prior to hearing. Student or faculty files appeal from department level within 10 working days Grade Appeal Chair will notify parties of hearing within 5 working days CAGAS/Graduate Council Chair reviews case & appoints subcommittee Student or faculty files appeal from college level within 10 working days 127<>ARS[_eg&'67ABFHPQ *+/19:wxy5CJKHOJQJ\^JaJ5\jCJUmHnHu01368=@BDEGHIKLMNPS z  O z  -     +  + p@ $a$SUVWXYZ[\_`abcdfijklmnp$a$    ^     z Fz ^z  z  !"%'(*+-/012 z  -  p@ 2479:;<>?@ABCEGIJKLMNPR    ^    \  /    z  z  ORST    z  -  p@ $a$ "#$%'()*+,.0234567   ^    \  /    z  z  O79;<=?xz{|}~ -  p@ $a$ [\ \  /    z  O z  mn} ~ J K " # : ; J K f f g > ? ~  ! 0 1 2 u v  "#ABCopNOxy./FGVWW89    VW \ $&P1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH R@R Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ <A@< Default Paragraph FontT#cS_ x.JKLMNOPQRS)<x#h #  :  ` a b c :  5 $.)+    35JNPVkq wlus4#T#cS_ x.JKLMNOPQRS)<x#h #  :  ` a b c : =       !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678 41368=@BDEGHIKLMNPSUVWXYZ[\_`abcdfijklmnp !"%'(*+-/012479:;<>?@ABCEGIJKLMNPRST    "#$%'()*+,.02345679;<=?xz{|}~[\ mn}~  JK"#:;JKfg>?~ ! 0 1 2 u v " # A B C o p   N O x y . / F G V W 8 9    VW000000000000000@0@0000000000000000000000000000~0~@0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0000000~00~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~00~00~00~00~0~0~0~0~0~@0~0~0~0~0~0~0@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{0@0{@0{0@0{0@0{0@0{@0{@0{0@0{@0{0@0{@0{0@0{0@0{0@0{0@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{@0{0{000@0@0@000@0@0@0@0@0@00@000000000@00000@0@0000@000000000000@0@00000@0@000000000000000000000000000000000000@0000000@00000@0000000000000000000000000000@0@0000000000000000000000 S2R7f W v 0e0e     A@ A5% 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'pA)BCD|E||S" @^U(  @ *m+ Z  3  ! 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