

March 2, 2024

Guest Recital & Masterclass: Leslie Marrs, flute
Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location: COFAC Recital Hall
This performance is free and open for general seating.


Songs of the Open Road - Daniel Dorff (b. 1956)
1. Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road
2. However calm these waters we must not anchor here
3. Strong and content I travel the open road
4. I ordain myself loos抎 of limits and imaginary lines

Half Moon at Checkerboard Mesa - Phillip Bimsten (b. 1947)

Vagues vagues - Sophie DuFeutrelle (b. 1958)

Phoenix Rising - Stacy Garrop (b. 1969)
I. Dying in embers
II. Reborn in flames: The embers explode into flames - A newborn phoenix rises from the flames - The young phoenix gracefully soars - Climbing ever higher, with wings gleaming in the sun

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Contact Information:
 Joanie Herbert
 Phone: 309-298-1843
 Email: JE-Herbert@wiu.edu
Source: School of Music

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