

September 19, 2024

ElectroAcoustic Music Macomb 2024 - curated by Dr. Hong-Da Chin (rescheduled from Sept. 4)
Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: COFAC Recital Hall
Description: This performance is free and open for general seating.


Pastoral (2020) - Andrew Davis
- fixed media

Mechanical Thaw (2021) - Andrew Davis
- fixed media

Ring (2024) - James Romig
- fixed media

Iridescence (2013) - Linda Antas
- fixed media

Still Shining (2020)- Linda Antas
- video

天の川 / Ama-no-gawa (2024) -Y'ng-Ying Siew and Thomas Bey-William Bailey
- fixed media

塗り壁/ Nurikabe (2023) - Y'ng-Ying Siew and Thomas Bey-William Bailey
- fixed media

Related Web Site:
Contact Information:
 Joanie Herbert
 Phone: 309-298-1843
 Email: JE-Herbert@wiu.edu
Source: School of Music

1 University Circle * Macomb, IL 61455
Phone: 309/298-1414 * E-mail info@wiu.edu
Calendar Administration: webstaff@wiu.edu