Department of Mathematics and Philosophy

Seyfi Turkelli

Seyfi Turkelli, Associate Professor

Specializing in Algebra and Geometry


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (Number Theory, Jordan Ellenberg)
M.S., Mathematical Research Institute, Netherlands (Non-commutative Geometry, Leke Moerdijk)
B.S., Istanbul Bilgi University (Mathematics, Ali Nesin)

Contact Information

Office: Morgan Hall 441
Phone: (309) 298-1157
Email: S-Turkelli@wiu.edu
Personal Web Page: http://www.wiu.edu/users/st110/

Courses Taught

  • Math 123: Modeling with Functions
  • Math 129: Trigonometry
  • Math 137: Applied Calculus
  • Math 311: Linear Algebra
  • Math 333: Differential Equations
  • Math 421: Algebra
  • Stat 171: Statistics

Research Interests

Research: My main area of interest is number theory. In particular, I am interested in moduli spaces of curves, problems including the density of arithmetic/algebraic objects and cohomology of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds. I am also interested in Game Theory.

Research with graduate students: I am interested in working with motivated students who aim to do a Ph.D. in (just want to learn more about) the areas close to my research interests.

Research with undergraduate students: I am interested in working with motivated junior/senior level students and advising them on research projects on selected topics not covered in our curriculum. The selected topics could be in an area of abstract mathematics, or an application of a mathematical concept that is covered in one of our classes, or the history of a particular problem, etc.

Selected Publications

  • Turkelli, S. A remark on a theorem of Cadoret-Tamagawa, preprint.
  • Turkelli, S., &ÌýSengun, M. H. (2016). A lower bound for the cuspidal cohomology of Bianchi groups via Sczech Cocyles. Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, Vol 28, Issue 1.
  • Turkelli, S.Ìý(2015). Connected components of Hurwitz schemes and Malle's conjecture. Journal of Number Theory, Vol 155, 163-201.
  • Turkelli, S.Ìý(2011). Counting multisections in conic bundles over a curve defined over F_q. International J. of Number Theory, Vol 7, Issue 6, 1663-1680.
  • Turkelli, S., & Sungun, M. H. (2009). Weight reduction for mod 1 Bianchi modular forms. Journal of Number Theory, Vol 129, Issue 8, 2010-2019.
  • Turkelli, S.Ìý(2004). Splitting of sharply 2-transitive groups of characteristic 3. Turk. J. Math., 28, 295-298.