Department of Psychology

Psychology Clinic Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where is the Clinic located?
The Psychology Clinic is located in Room 116 of Waggoner Hall on the campus of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÀúÊ·¼Ç¼. Telephone 309/298-1919
How much will it cost to receive therapy?
There is no charge for therapy in the Psychology Clinic. Fees are charged only for psychological assessment. Fees for testing are charged on a sliding scale.
How do I set up an appointment with the Clinic?
To request services call the Clinic at 309/298-1919 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays. You will be asked for a brief description of your concerns and a telephone number where you can be reached. We will contact you within a week to inform you about the availability of services (See our page on Requesting Services.)
Are evening appointments available?
Appointments are scheduled between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.. A limited number of 5:00 p.m. appointments are also available. 
Are services available for children and adolescents?
Yes. Person's under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or guardian to receive services unless they are registered students at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÀúÊ·¼Ç¼. For individuals under the age of 18, an adult must stay in the building during services. 
Is child care available for person's attending sessions in the Clinic?
The Clinic is not able to provide child care during a parent's sessions. Parents will need to make other arrangements for the care of their children while attending therapy sessions.
What if I need immediate services and am on a waiting list at the Clinic?
If your need for services is pressing, please let us know and if we cannot provide you with an appointment, we will give you the names and telephone numbers of other service providers who may be able to assist you more quickly.
What happens if I have to miss an appointment?
It is important to keep your scheduled appointments. However, if you must miss a session, please contact the Clinic at least 24 hours in advance. If you miss more than two sessions without notifying the Clinic, your appointment time will be assigned to someone else.
How long are sessions?
Sessions with individuals are typically scheduled for 50 minutes, whereas sessions with couples or families may be 90 minutes in length.
How often do sessions take place?
Sessions are usually scheduled for once a week, but frequency of sessions with any person is determined by the individual and his/her therapist.
How long will therapy last?
The duration of therapy depends on each individual's particular needs and preferences. Most commonly, persons are seen in the Clinic for between 5 and 30 sessions.
What if I just want a brief consultation for a few sessions?
Your expectations and preferences concerning the duration of treatment should be discussed with your therapist. Generally, your preference for duration will be honored.
What if I want to end treatment?
You may terminate treatment at any time. It is a good idea to discuss your decision to terminate with your therapist. At the very least it is important to call and inform him/her of your decision.
Can I bring other people to my sessions?
The therapy session is the client's time, and she/he is welcome to bring other persons. After the initial session, however, the decision to involve other persons in one or more meetings should be discussed with your therapist.
Who will be my therapist?
Persons requesting services are assigned to the first staff person with the necessary expertise to help and who has an opening in her/his schedule that fits with the person's preferred times.
What if I know my therapist?
If it should happen that you know or have regular contact in other settings with the person with whom you have been scheduled to work, every effort will be made to arrange an appointment with a different member of the Clinic staff.
What happens if I don't like my therapist?
In instances in which a client (or therapist) is consistently uncomfortable with the person with whom she/he is working, it is wise to discontinue treatment. Should this happen, we will attempt to connect you with another therapist either on our staff or in another agency.
How much training do the student therapists have?
The students who conduct treatment in the Clinic are all second year graduate students in the Department of Psychology at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÀúÊ·¼Ç¼. They are at the beginning of their clinical training, and all student work is closely supervised by clinical program faculty.
Will other people have access to my personal information?
Except in cases where there is a clear danger to the client or someone else, no one has access to information regarding your work in therapy unless you have given specific, written consent for a particular person to be informed. For further information see our page on the Clinic Confidentiality Policy.