
Communication Career Opportunities

john deer

One of the most valuable aspects of earning a degree in Communication is the enormous flexibility that Communication majors have in regard to pursuing a host of professional careers. There are many exciting career paths available to a Communication major! Selecting a career is based on your interests as well as your areas of concentration within your major and minor.

The list below gives some examples of possible career paths for a Communication graduate. Students are encouraged to contact the Career Development Center for assistance with resume preparation, interviewing, and job search techniques. Seniors are advised to register and establish their credential file with the Career Development Center in order to take advantage of job referral and on-campus interviewing opportunities.

Business & Industry Career Titles
Account Executive Lawyer Public Relations Specialist
Advertising Manager Legal Assistant Real Estate Agent/Broker
Association Administrator Management Analyst Recreation/Attractions Manager
Bank Officer Manager/Administrator Recruiter
Claims Adjuster/Examiner Market Research Analyst Research Worker
Consumer Affairs Specialist Media Manager Restaurant Manager
Corporate Communications Director Management Analyst Retail Manager
Credit Manager Manager/Administrator Sales Representative
Customer Service Representative Market Research Analyst Service Representative
Events Planner Media Manager Special Events Coordinator
Fashion Merchandiser Paralegal Speech Writer
Hospitality Manager Personnel Specialist Stockbroker
Hotel Manager Presenter Technical Writer
Human Resources Adm. Print Production Coordinator Telemarketing Specialist
Industrial & Labor Relations Specialist Promotions Manager Training & Development Specialist
Insurance Agent/Broker Public Information Officer Travel Agent

Education Career Titles
Administrator Educational Tester Special Events Coordinator
Audio/Visual Specialist Guidance Counselor Speech Pathologist
Camp Counselor Mediator Spokesperson for Education
Development Officer Public Relations Officer Student Services Specialist
Educational Consultant Recruiter Teacher

Communications & Media Career Titles
Actor Government Relations Photojournalist
Advertising Account Executive Graphic Artist Producer- TV, Film, Theatre
Advertising Copywriter Greeting Card Writer Production Assistant
Broadcast Advertising Sales Lighting Technician Proofreader
Communications Lawyer Market Research Public Information Officer
Contestant/Guest Coord. Media Buyer Public Relations Assistant
Copywriter Media Manager Publisher
Director- Film, Video, Theatre Narrator Radio/TV Announcer
Editorial Assistant News Writer/Editor Reporter/Journalist
Electronic Publications Photographer Sales Representative
Script Writer Telemarketer TV News Anchor
Sports Promoter Traffic Manager Video Programmer
Sportscaster TV Engineer Writer/Author
Technical Writer Ìý Ìý

Government & Social Services Career Titles
Campaign Manager Government Advisor Minister/Priest/Rabbi
Community Action Director Health Services Admin. Museum Director
Consumer Advocate Human Resources Mgr Negotiator
Counselor Interviewer Planning Director
Development Officer Lawyer Political Aide
Documentarian Legislative Aide Probation & Parole Officer
Elected Official Lobbyist PSA Director
Foreign Service Officer Media Specialist Public Administrator
Recreation Coordinator Speech Writer Youth Worker
Social Services Administrator Television Censor Reader
Social Worker Translator Ìý

Communication Courses and Specific Career Paths

Careers in Advertising
  • Advertising or Marketing Specialist
  • Copy Writer
  • Account Executive
  • Media Sales Representative
  • Media planner
  • Media Buyer
  • Public Opinion Researcher
  • Sales Manager
  • Creative Director
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Small Group Communication
  • Marketing
  • Research Methods
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Persuasion
  • Advertising
  • Public Speaking/Advanced Public Speaking

Careers in Public Relations
  • Publicity Manager
  • Advertising Manager
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Public Opinion Researcher
  • Press Agent
  • Lobbyist
  • Corporate Public Affairs Specialist
  • Account Executive
  • Development Officer
  • Fund Raiser
  • Membership Recruiter
  • Sales Manager
  • Media Analyst
  • Media Planner
  • Creative Director
  • Audience Analyst
  • News Writer
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Public Speaking
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Media Writing
  • Organizational Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Persuasion
  • Interviewing
  • Ethics

Careers in Business & Management
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Sales Representative
  • Executive Manager
  • Personnel Manager
  • Newsletter Editor
  • Buyer
  • Public Information Officer
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Mediator
  • Communication Trainer
  • Negotiator
  • Director of Corporate Communication
  • Industrial and Labor Relations Representative
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Mass Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Organizational Communication
  • Interviewing Marketing
  • Small Group Communication
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Management Communication
  • Training and Development

Careers in Education
  • School Counselor
  • Educational Researcher
  • Teacher
  • Educational Administrator
  • Director of College News
  • Alumni Officer
  • College Placement Officer
  • College Admissions Director
  • College Recruiter
  • Development Officer
  • Educational Fund-Raiser
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Oral Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Research Methods
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Small Group Communication
  • Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
  • Persuasion

Careers in Government/ Politics
  • Public Information Officer
  • Speech Writer
  • Legislative Assistant
  • Campaign Director
  • Research Specialist
  • Lobbyist
  • Program Coordinator
  • Negotiator
  • Press Secretary
  • Elected Official
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Mass Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Research Methods
  • Organizational Communication
  • Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
  • Persuasion
  • Argumentation and Debate
  • Ethics
  • Acting
  • Public Speaking/Advanced Public Speaking

Careers in Health
  • Health Care Counselor
  • Health Educator
  • Research Analyst
  • Clinic Public Relations Director
  • Medical Grant Writer
  • Activities Director
  • Marketing Director
  • Hospital Director of Communication
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Health Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Interviewing
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Research Methods
  • Small Group Communication
  • Conflict Management
  • Public Relations
  • Persuasion
  • Ethics

Careers in International Relations and Negotiations
  • Foreign Correspondent
  • Corporate Representative
  • Translator
  • Student Tour Coordinator
  • Foreign Relations Officer
  • Diplomat
  • Host/Hostess for Foreign Dignitaries
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Intercultural Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Mass Communication
  • Public Relations
  • Conflict Management
  • Foreign Languages

Careers in Law
  • Public Defender
  • Corporate Lawyer
  • District Attorney
  • Public Interest Lawyer
  • Private Practice Lawyer
  • Legal Researcher
  • Legal Secretary
  • Legal Reporter
  • Legal Educator
  • Mediation and Negotiation Specialist
  • Acting
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Public Speaking
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Media Law
  • Argumentation and Debate
  • Small Group Communication
  • Persuasion
  • Rhetoric
  • Interviewing
  • Ethics
  • Nonverbal Communication

Careers in Social and Human Services
  • Public Administrator
  • Recreational Supervisor
  • Social Worker
  • Human Rights Officer
  • Community Affairs Liaison
  • Religious Leader
  • Philanthropic Representative
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Park Service Public Relations Specialist
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Global Communication
  • Gender Differences
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Small Group Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Communication and Conflict Management
  • Organizational Communication

Careers in Technology Industries
  • Trainer for Communication Technologies
  • Closed Circuit Television Producer/Director
  • Performance Assessor
  • Technical Copywriter
  • Language Specialist
  • Speech Synthesizer
  • Cognition Researcher
  • Systems Analyst
Subjects that will enhance this career:

  • Oral Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Public speaking
  • Communication Theory
  • Listening
  • Ethics
  • Organizational Communication
  • Research Methods
  • Copy Writing