Human Resources

Current Starting Salaries (Macomb Campus)

Updated 08/19/2024 (Salary values per month/hour)
Title Salary
Accounting Assistant 2275
Accounting Officer 2275
Accounting Specialist 2632
Accountant I 2765
Accountant II 3052
Accountant III 3810
Accounting Associate 3368
Administrative Aide 2978
Administrative Assistant 3810
Administrative Nurse I 3368
Administrative Nurse II 3538
Administrative Nurse III 4311
Admissions & Records Assistant 2275
Admissions & Records Coordinator 3091
Admissions & Records Officer 2665
Admissions & Records Representative 2275
Animal Care Specialist 2537
Assistant Agricultural Research Technician 2299
Assistant Bursar 3810
Assistant Chief Accountant 4529
Assistant Chief Building Operating Engineer 44.72/hr
Assistant Comptroller 4999
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations 2978
Assistant Director of Physical Plant 6399
Assistant Director of University Student Center 4103
Assistant Duplicating Service Supervisor 2632
Assistant Golf Course Grounds Superintendent 3206
Assistant Grounds Gardener 20.40/hr
Assistant Manager of Photographic Laboratory 3368
Assistant Superintendent of Building Maintenance 6399
Assistant Superintendent of Building Services 4758
Assistant Superintendent of Grounds 3810
Assistant Technical Director 2978
Associate Agricultural Research Technician 2978
Athletic Communications Associate 2978
Athletic Turf Specialist 3570
Automotive Body Repair Technician 3538
Automotive Technician 2765
Automotive Technician Assistant 2275
Benefits Counselor 3052
Benefits Officer 2505
Benefits Representative 2275
Brickmason 35.60/hr
Broadcast News Specialist 2978
Broadcasting Engineer 2870
Budget Analyst 3626
Building Heat/Frost Insulator 34.21/hr
Building Operating Engineer 40.66/hr
Building Service Foreman 4701
Building Service Supervisor 5171
Building Service Worker 16.32/hr
Bursar 4529
Business/Administrative Associate 3368
Business Manager 3810
Campus Parking Manager 2834
Carpenter 36.92/hr
Carpenter Foreman 40.61/hr
Cashier II 2275
Cashier IV 2384
Cartographer 3052
Central Stores Manager I 3368
Central Stores Manager II 4103
Chief Accountant 4877
Chief Broadcasting Engineer 3955
Child Development Associate 2275
Client Relations Representative II 2632
Collection Assistant Manager 2632
Collection Representative 2275
Collection Specialist 2275
Communications Technician 2978
Construction Project Coordinator I 3905
Construction Project Coordinator II 4529
Culinary Worker III 2444
Customer Service Representative 2505
Deputy Director 5252
Digital Imaging Specialist II 2765
Electrician 41.80/hr
Electrician Sub-Foreman 45.98/hr
Equipment Attendant 2275
Events Administrator Associate 2834
Events Coordinator 2978
Facility Operations Coordinator 3368
Facility Operations Specialist 2765
Financial Aid Representative 2632
Financial Aid Coordinator 2765
Financial Aid Manager 2978
Garage Foreman 3538
Garage Sub-Foreman 3206
Golf Course Grounds Superintendent 3538
Golf Course Pro Shop Assistant 2326
Graduate School Specialist 3538
Grants & Contracts Associate 3538
Graphic Design Manager 3538
Graphic Designer 3206
Graphic Designer Assistant 2384
Graphic Designer Associate 2834
Greens Worker 2275
Grounds Equipment Mechanic 22.54/hr
Grounds Foreman 25.50/hr
Grounds Gardener 21.34/hr
Grounds Worker 20.40/hr
Health Education Coordinator 3206
Heavy Driver 2275
Housing Administrator 3905
Housing Officer 3052
Human Resource Assistant 2275
Human Resource Assistant Manager 3538
Human Resource Associate 3538
Human Resource Manager 4311
Human Resource Officer 3052
Human Resource Representative 2326
Image Processing Technician II 2275
Image Processing Technician III 2384
Immigration Specialist 3810
IT Manager/Administrative Coordinator 4529
IT Support Associate 2275
IT Technical Associate 2978
Institutional Research Data Coordinator 3810
Instructional Development Specialist 3717
Instructional Media Systems Technician 3368
Intercollegiate Athletics Equipment Specialist 2275
Internal Auditor 3538
Interpreter for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 3905
Inventory Record Control Supervisor 2978
Inventory Specialist 2275
Laundry Worker 2275
Library Assistant 2275
Library Operations Associate 2978
Library Specialist 2275
Licensed Practical Nurse II 2275
Locksmith Sub-Foreman 4103
Mail Messenger 2275
Mailing Equipment Operator/Expediter III 2505
Maintenance Repair/Worker 20.73/hr
Maintenance Worker 31.27/hr
Manager of Photographic Laboratory 3810
Manager of Sports Facilities 3538
Marketing Associate 3538
Media Writer/Producer/Announcer I 2975
Medical Assistant 2567
Medical Insurance Assistant Manager 3206
Medical Insurance Associate 2275
Medical Insurance Specialist 2632
Medical Office Coordinator 2978
Medical Office Specialist 2326
Medical Technologist I 2854
Medical Technologist III 3810
Musical Instrument Specialist 2978
Musical Instrument Technician 2632
Night Supervisor of University Union 17.57/hr
Nurse Practitioner 6891
Nursery Worker 2275
Office Administrator 2632
Office Manager 2326
Office Support Assistant 2275
Office Support Associate 2275
Office Support Specialist 2275
Painter 41.00/hr
Painter Sub-Foreman 45.10/hr
Parking Services Agent I 2275
Parking Services Agent II 2275
Parking Services Agent III 2326
Payroll Manager 4103
Payroll Specialist III 2384
Pharmacy Supervisor 6399
Pharmacy Technician II 2275
Photographer 2384
Physical Science Technical Asst 2978
Pipefitter 41.10/hr
Pipefitter Sub-Foreman 45.62/hr
Plumber 38.80/hr
Plumber Sub-Foreman 42.68/hr
Pneumatic Instrument & Controls Mechanic 41.10/hr
Police Corporal 7476
Police Lieutenant 9046
Police Officer 5387
Police Sergeant 8224
Police Telecommunicator 3469
Printing Production Coordinator 2905
Procurement Officer 3052
Procurement Officer Assistant 2632
Procurement Officer Specialist 3538
Procurement Officer Supervisor 4103
Program Assistant 2632
Program Coordinator 3052
Program Director 3368
Program/Student Advisor 2978
Public Information Associate 2978
Publications Editor 2905
Publications Manager 3538
Radio Station Production Supervisor 3091
Radiologic Technologist 2384
Radiologic Technologist Manager 3810
Radiologic Technologist Specialist 2505
Retail Associate 2275
Retail Manager 3810
Retail Supervisor 2275
Routing Dispatcher III 2275
Safety/Environmental Compliance Specialist 3538
Senior Agricultural Research Technician 3538
Senior Budget Analyst 4877
Senior Business Manager 4103
Senior Communications Technician 4311
Senior Library Specialist 2384
Senior Photographer 3016
Shipping/Receiving Clerk 2275
Space Administrator I 2444
Sports Equipment Supervisor 2275
Staff Nurse I 2765
Staff Nurse II 3052
Steam and Power Plant I 22.08/hr
Steam and Power Plant II 36.89/hr
Steam and Power Plant III 40.66/hr
Steam and Power Plant IV 44.72/hr
Storekeeper I 2275
Storekeeper II 2275
Storekeeper III 2505
Superintendent of Building Maintenance 5252
Superintendent of Building Services 4877
Superintendent of Grounds 3905
Supervisor of Building Craftsmen 3810
Television Director-Producer 3810
Television Production Coordinator 3247
Television Program/Operations Coordinator 2978
Temperature Control Mechanic 41.10/hr
Tree Surgeon 22.45/hr
Water Station Operator 40.66/hr