Office of Study Abroad and Outreach



Internships are a great way of gaining experience and getting ready for the job market. By working in close interaction with professionals in your field and addressing real life concerns, you strengthen your skills and get ready for the demands you will be soon facing after graduation.

A Global Internship gives you that opportunity and more. Find out more by contacting the Office of Study Abroad and Outreach. Our office will lead you through the application process.


Additional Internship Opportunities

Majors: Distaster Risk and Emergency Management, Agriculture and Environment, Communication and Marketing, and Theater and Digital Media

National Expedition and Internship will take you across the North and South Islands of New Zealand and place you in an internship where you have the opportunity to work on real-world problems. This is a summer only two-week study tour starting in June plus a four-week internship.

Majors: Biology, Agriculture, Marketing, Communications, Computer Science, Education, Social Work

coordinates with different NGO's and companies to offer internship opportunities for fall, spring, or summer. Length of time can be 8, 12, or 16 weeks.

Majors: Almost any!

provides customized interhips experiences in a large variet of fields from marketing to journalism ro engineering. Intern in English or Spanish, join the social, professional and cultural activities, and enhance your resume. Available fall, spring, or summer.

Affiliate Provider-Offered Internships in a Variety of Majors:

— Australia, Chile, China, England, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Spain

— Argentina, Australia, China, England, Ireland, Italy

- Spain, Ghana, France, Hungary, Russia, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Taiwan, Morocco, Chile, Germany, England, Italy, Botswana, Senegal, Jordan, Costa Rica, Australia, Israel

- Australia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Germany

- Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain

- Argentina, Australia, Madagascar, Mongolia, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Malaysia/China, Nepal, Panama, South Africa, Switzerland, Uganda, Vietnam, Jordan, Kenya, Indonesia, Morocco, Chile, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, Tunisia/Italy, Rwanda, Senegal, and Servia/Bosnia/Kosovo






  • Spring 2024 Study Abroad scholarships now open!

    Scholarship applications for Spring 2024 study abroad programs are now open. More information about the scholarships and the application form can be found on our website. The application deadline is midnight, Wednesday, November 1, 2023. If you have any questions about the scholarships, please contact Kim McDaniel, Study Abroad Advisor, at kd-mcdaniel@wiu.edu.

  • Apply for passports NOW!

    Passport processing is currently taking 3 months. If you plan to travel in Spring or Summer 2024, apply for your passport NOW. For more information, see the Passports 101 page on our website.

  • Disney World Communication Culture info sessions 2023 scheduled.

    Learn more about the Disney World Communication Culture Study Abroad Course at these info sessions:
    Wednesday, September 27
    Thursday, September 28
    Wednesday, October 11
    Thursday, October 12
    Location: Memorial 338
    Time: 4pm
    For details, please see the Disney World Communication Culture webpage.

    Tropical Ecology: the Galapagos info sessions 2023 scheduled.

    Learn more about the Tropical Ecology: the Galapagos Study Abroad Course at these info sessions:
    Friday September 29 at noon via Zoom
    For details, please see the Tropical Ecology: the Galapagos webpage.

    Exploring Italy Through Film info sessions 2023 scheduled.

    Learn more about the Exploring Italy Through Film Study Abroad Course at these info sessions:
    Tuesday, October 3
    Location: Simpkins 219 and via Zoom
    Time: 4:30pm
    For details, please see the Exploring Italy Through Film webpage.

    Art in Italy: Political Mythologies info sessions 2023 scheduled.

    Learn more about the Art in Italy: Political Mythologies Study Abroad Course at these info sessions:
    Thursday, October 5
    Location: Garwood 10
    Time: 4pm
    For details, please see the Art in Italy: Political Mythologies webpage.

    International Trade: Costa Rica info sessions 2023 scheduled.

    Learn more about the International Trade: Costa Rica Study Abroad Course at these info sessions:
    Thursday October 5 at 5:30 pm
    Friday October 6 Knoblauch at noon
    For details, please see the International Trade: Costa Rica Info webpage.



Contact Us

Office of Study Abroad and Outreach


Memorial Room 348
