College of Education & Human Services

College Student Personnel Graduate Program


The CSP program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to thrive in higher education settings. Our coursework blends foundational theories with applied learning opportunities, preparing you to effectively address the challenges facing student affairs. Whether you’re interested in student development, campus leadership, or program administration, our curriculum is tailored to foster both personal and professional growth in a dynamic, student-centered environment.

Throughout our program, you'll engage in a wide range of subject matter, from student development theory and diversity in higher education to program design and assessment in student affairs. With a strong emphasis on journey-based learning through assistantships, practicum, internships, and volunteer activities, CSP delivers hands-on experience in campus settings ensuring you’re well-prepared for a successful career in the field.

Explore our course offerings and see how our program can help you make a meaningful impact in the lives of students and the broader higher education community.

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For detailed information on each course, click on the title.

CSP 533: Professional Topics in Student Affairs

CSP 533: Professional Topics in Student Affairs is designed to explore contemporary issues and key areas of professional practice relevant to the field of student affairs.

This course supports your transition from student leader to professional staff member in a college or university setting.

Through engaging discussions and hands-on assignments designed to teach you about critical themes and emerging trends, you’ll develop practical skills essential for success in student affairs.

CSP 550: Legal Issues for Professionals in College Student Personnel

CSP 550: Legal Issues for Professionals in College Student Personnel examines the intricate world of law and ethics within the realm of student affairs.

You’ll engage in stimulating discussions and analyze case studies that highlight the legal challenges facing college professionals today, including Title IX, student privacy, and institutional liability.

By examining the ethical implications of these issues, you’ll develop critical thinking skills that empower you to make informed decisions.

This course not only enhances your understanding of the legal framework of higher education but also prepares you to navigate complex dilemmas in your future career.

CSP 552: Introduction to Student Affairs & Higher Education History

CSP 552: Introduction to Student Affairs & Higher Education History offers a comprehensive exploration of the foundations of student affairs within the broader context of higher education in America, highlighting key theories, models of practice, and essential competencies for aspiring professionals.

It also examines the historical development of postsecondary education.

You’ll gain insights into specific areas of student affairs, and through engaging discussions and practical applications, recognize its dynamic landscape and vital role in fostering student success.

CSP 553: Organization and Administration of College Student Personnel Services

CSP 553: Organization and Administration of College Student Personnel Services offers an in-depth exploration of how student affairs departments function within the broader framework of higher education institutions.

This course covers key topics such as organizational structure, administrative responsibilities, strategic planning, budgeting, and effective decision-making through case studies, practical applications, and collaborative projects.

CSP 555: Advising and Helping Skills

CSP 555: Advising and Helping Skills equips you with essential skills to effectively support and guide students throughout their college journey.

It explores key advising and helping techniques such as providing feedback and supervision, offering referrals, and giving constructive critiques.

You'll engage in interactive role-plays and case studies that allow you to practice real-world scenarios, preparing you to handle a variety of student needs with empathy and professionalism whether you're advising students one-on-one, managing a team, or fostering student development in other ways.

CSP 559: Student Development Theory and Praxis

CSP 559: Student Development Theory and Praxis offers an in-depth exploration of student development theories as the foundation for the student affairs profession.

This course critically examines how these theories address self-development, meaning-making across cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal dimensions, and the processes that drive student growth.

Through analysis and application, you’ll engage with both theoretical frameworks and practical methods that inform effective student support and development strategies.

CSP 560: Student Engagement & College Environments

CSP 560: Student Engagement & College Environments examines the key factors that influence student engagement, with a special focus on the needs of underserved student populations.

In this course, you'll examine how various college environments—ranging from residence halls to campus organizations—impact student success and development.

Through research-based discussions, case studies, and class projects, you'll learn how to create inclusive, supportive environments that foster engagement and achievement for all students whether you're aiming to enhance student involvement or address challenges faced by marginalized communities.

CSP 561: Practicum in Student Affairs

CSP 561: Practicum in Student Affairs offers hands-on experience in a student affairs setting, allowing you to apply classroom knowledge in campus environments.

Under the guidance of a seasoned student affairs professional, you’ll gain practical skills while working directly with students and campus departments.

In addition to the fieldwork, a seminar led by CSP faculty will deepen your understanding of the connection between academic theory and professional practice, preparing you to navigate the complexities of student affairs.

CSP 562: Advanced Practicum in Student Affairs

CSP 562: Advanced Practicum in Student Affairs presents you with an opportunity to gain further experience in a student affairs setting while focusing on a special project in an area that aligns with your interests.

You’ll apply your knowledge in a practical context, deepening your understanding of the field and enhancing your skills through hands-on involvement, working closely with faculty and professionals to design and execute your project.

CSP 565: Critical Theories in Praxis

CSP 565: Critical Theories in Praxis investigates a range of critical theories and their impact on student affairs and student development.

This course explores how these theories inform self-awareness, institutional dynamics, and broader cultural implications while addressing vital issues of social justice, liberation, and equity.

Through engaging discussions and practical applications, you'll learn to apply critical frameworks to analyze and improve practices within student affairs, fostering a more inclusive and equitable environment for all students.

CSP 581: Group Dynamics and Leadership

CSP 581: Group Dynamics and Leadership dives into the world of group behavior and interaction, exploring key topics such as communication, decision-making, leadership, cohesion, and group roles.

You'll analyze how cooperation and competition shape group outcomes, and study the effects of social facilitation and inhibition on group performance.

As part of the course, you'll actively participate in the small group experience of enhancing the campus community, giving you the chance to observe and apply group dynamics and leadership in real time.

CSP 597: Program Design

CSP 597: Program Design blends theoretical coursework with practical, supervised professional experience, allowing you to apply your program design skills directly to student affairs settings.

You'll learn how to create impactful student programs from the ground up, addressing key areas such as needs assessment, program planning and implementation, and evaluation.

The course emphasizes effective content delivery methods, ensuring that diverse learning outcomes are met through various instructional strategies.

You will also explore the principles of universal design, promoting accessibility and inclusivity in program development.

Additionally, you will conduct a comprehensive content, student, and environment analysis as part of the programming process, enabling you to create tailored programs that enhance student development and success.

CSP 598: Assessment in Student Affairs

CSP 598: Assessment in Student Affairs builds on the foundations of CSP 597, combining advanced coursework with hands-on professional experience.

In this course, you’ll deepen your understanding of program assessment and apply those skills directly to student affairs settings.

You’ll gain practical experience in evaluating student programs, improving services, and driving data-informed decision-making.

This course equips you with the tools to measure and enhance the impact of student affairs initiatives. 

CSP 599: Independent Study

CSP 599: Independent Study offers a unique opportunity for in-depth investigation into topics related to student affairs and higher education.

It allows you to tailor your study to your interests, arranging the topic, procedures, and reporting methods in collaboration with your instructor.

A substantial written and/or oral report will typically be required, enabling you to showcase your research and insights. 

CSP 600: Professional Development Seminar

CSP 600: Professional Development Seminar serves as the capstone experience for your final semester.

This integrative seminar uses a case study approach to help you apply the theories, concepts, and skills learned throughout the program to contemporary challenges in student affairs.

Through comprehensive analysis and discussion, you'll address challenges in student affairs, equipping you for professional practice in the field.

Course Rotation for Students Beginning Fall 2024

Fall 2024
  • CSP 533: Special Topics in Student Affairs (1)
  • CSP 552: Intro to Student Affairs & Higher Education History (3)
  • CSP 555: Advising and Helping Skills (3)
  • CSP 581: Group Dynamics and Leadership (3)
Spring 2025
  • CN 515: Research and Program Evaluation (3)
  • CSP 559: Student Development Theory in Praxis (4)
  • CSP 597: Program Design (3)
Summer 2025
  • CSP 560: Student Engagement & College Environments (3)
Fall 2025
  • CSP 553: Organization & Administration of CSP (3)
  • CSP 561: Practicum in Student Affairs (3)
  • CSP 565: Critical Theories in Praxis (4)
Spring 2026
  • CSP 550: Legal Issues in Student Affairs (3)
  • CSP 598: Assessment in Student Affairs (3)
  • CSP 600: Professional Development Seminar (3)

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