College of Education & Human Services

Tracy Davis

Tracy Davis

Professor and Faculty Coordinator of the Part-Time Track
Ph.D., The University of Iowa
M.A., The University of Iowa
B.A., The University of Iowa

Tracy has worked professionally in the areas of gifted education, student activities, and Greek life. His research interests include social justice education, mindfulness and contemplative practices, sexual assault prevention, identity, and men's development. In 2011, he became the founding Director of the Center for the Study of Masculinities and Men’s Development.

Throughout his career, Tracy has been engaged in research, sharing what he learns with others, and promoting the growth and development of emerging professionals. His publications include empirical studies in refereed journals, book chapters, and four books/monographs -- Gender-Aware Practices: Intersectional Approaches to Applying Masculinities in Student Affairs (2018), Advancing Social Justice: Tools, Pedagogies, and Strategies to Transform Your Campus (2013), Masculinities in Higher Education: Theoretical and Practical Considerations (2011), and Developing Social Justice Allies (2004). He has served on the Executive Council for College Student Educators International (ACPA) and the ACPA Commission on Professional Preparation Directorate, and completed service as an ACPA Senior Scholar. Tracy frequently presents at professional conferences and consults with colleges and universities regarding men's development and social justice.

The student affairs and academic community have acknowledged his contributions as a scholar, teacher, and social justice advocate widely. Most importantly, he remains wildly unfinished.

Recent Publications:

  • Davis, T. & Moody, B. (2018). Practices for promoting mindful masculinities. In C. Catalano, R. Wagner, & T. Davis (Eds.), New Directions in Student Services: Gender-Aware Practices: Intersectional Approaches to Applying Masculinities in Student Affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Catalano, C., Wagner, R. & Davis, T. (in press). Gender-aware practices: Intersectional approaches to applying masculinities in student affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Davis, T. (2019). Afterward. In D. Tillapaugh & B. McGowan (Eds.), Men & Masculinities on Campus: Theoretical Foundations and Promising Practices for Supporting College Men's Development. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
  • Tillapaugh, D., Catalano, C., & Davis, T. (2019). Theoretical complexities of men & masculinities. In D. Tillapaugh & B. McGowan (Eds.), Men & Masculinities on Campus: Theoretical Foundations and Promising Practices. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
  • Davis, T. & Klobassa, V. (2017). Honoring the face behind the mask: Interrogating masculine performatives as counter-hegemonic practice. In P. L. Eddy, K. Ward, & T. Khwaja (Eds.), Critical Approaches to Women and Gender in Higher Education. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Foste, Z. & Davis, T. (2017). Am I doing this right? A qualitative exploration of how college men make meaning of gendered expectations. Men and Masculinities, 20(1), .